The Board of Trustees
Webster's New International Dictionary defines the word "Trustee" as follows: "A person holding property in trust." Therefore, having been selected by the fellow Officers and Members of our Aerie to fill the office of Trustee, they have, by their action, placed their "trust" in the Trustee to fulfill the office to the best of their ability, and they should, at all times, strive to fulfill the office and perform the duties required of that office, so as to never violate the "trust" that they have placed in the Trustee.
Members are Welcome to Attend the Trustee's Meetings
All F.O.E. members are welcome to attend the Trustee's meetings held each week on Thursday evenings at 6 o'clock PM. Please be prompt as the meetings will move to Trustee Officers only once member discussions are finished, upon which, the Trustee's office door will be closed and locked.